Wednesday, September 14, 2011

School Days

Jamie tells me, at least twice a week, that I need to upload some of our pictures from Amsterdam.

I tell him, at least twice a week, that my teaching job is jeopardizing my blogging career. 

I still haven't uploaded the pictures.

He still doesn't acknowledge my statement of concern.  I'm not sure he's heard me.

Speaking of my teaching job...

"Mrs. Bertolino, it looks like you didn't get a good night's sleep last night."

"Well, my sweet student, what makes you say that?"

"It has something to do with your eyes..."

Enter chorus of "Yes, Mrs. Bertolino, your eyes look tired today," along with 18 stories about nights when my students' third cousins and their great aunts have not gotten a good night's sleep.

Every day, my white board is covered with a variety of charts.  These charts are stuck to the board with magnets.  I've already spent half of my classroom budget on magnets, but somehow, I never seem to have enough.

Today, for instance, I had to hang up cursive letters, some guides for me to model the cursive letters, a phonics chart, some special-sounds flashcards, our homework assignments, some counting charts, and a map for our history lesson.  I think that's all.

About halfway into our phonics lesson, the charts just started falling off of the board; and as they were falling, magnets went flying--one landing directly on my head.  (You can imagine how that felt to a puffy-eyed, unrested teacher.)

Just before our phonics lesson, I had explained to the students that I will soon be choosing the Student of the Month, based on the character qualities that we have been studying.

The second the magnet hit my head, thirteen of the most responsive, helpful, encouraging, and sympathetic students were scurrying around the room, collecting the magnets and charts, and asking if I was okay.

"Yes, class, I'm fine.  Thank you so much for your help.  I'm sorry that things are a little crazy this morning." 

One eager voice replied, "That's okay, Mrs. Bertolino, we know that you're a first-year teacher."

Followed by, "Yes, Mrs. Bertolino, and you're doing great for a first-year teacher!"


And I didn't even know what to say next. 

But I did say "thank you."


  1. Children know more that we give them credit for. I used to think it was because they had a weird sense or that they were just short and noticed life from a different level. I laughed out loud at the comments on the magnets. I will try to remember to get you some from the store in Valdosta. Lily and Nellie prefer them when they teach in their classroom.
    Blog more! I love you :)
