I don't have any baby pictures of Will, but I vividly remember what he looked like as a baby...E.T.
I know you won't believe that when you see how cute he turned out a couple of years later...
Don't you see the resemblance?
Will loved tractors. Grandpa and Grandma Ohms even sent him a little John Deere tractor that we used to play on.
I have so many wonderful memories of playing with Will. He made things like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Ghost-busters fun. Of course, that was after I forced him to spend the majority of our time playing house, Boxcar Children, and making him follow along as I read aloud from our story books.
Will was always so easy-going and kind...
even when I was bossy and mean.
God knew just what kind of brother I needed...
someone who would love me, even on days when I was crabby.
Will was always ready for fun...
and through his example, I've learned to worry less about what could happen. (Remember what happened after we ate these?)
Will and I are very different in many ways (ex. journals of our trip out west :),
but our relationship has taught me to see the beauty in differences...
And it's taught me a lot about love.
(I'm sorry that our relationship hasn't taught me more about photo editing...)
I'm so thankful for all of the happy memories we share.
I love you, Will! I hope you know how much I treasure our relationship.
Love, Laramie (& Jamie) :)