Monday, January 30, 2012

A Girl...AND A Boy!

Dear Emma & Anthony,

11 years ago, one of you was a great surprise to many people.  Everyone could tell that mom had a baby in her belly, they just thought it was a really big baby.  Very few people suspected that she actually had two babies in her belly.  I was pretty excited to be in on the surprise, but I had promised to keep my lips sealed; I could hardly contain myself.  Dad had so much fun calling all of the extended family to tell them that our family had a new baby girl...and a baby boy.  :)

Even as little babies, you loved being together.  Mom put you in the same crib when you were teeny-tiny.  When you grew to be a little bit bigger, she put you in different cribs...but you didn't seem to like that as much.  We would go in to check on you in the mornings and, Emma, you would be in Anthony's crib; in the middle of the night, you had climbed out of your crib and into his.  

You did so many cute things together.  

She pushed....

 He pulled...

And at the end of the day, you were always there for each other.

Hot chocolate?  What hot chocolate? We haven't seen any hot chocolate.


and Emma...

Two peas in a pod.

Do you know how much joy you bring our family?

We have not one but two siblings who are beautiful, lively, smart, and not-lacking-in-any-personality.

Happy Birthday Emma & Anthony!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Abigail Elise Harmon

A long long time ago, in a land that currently feels far far away, I was 13 years old.  And all I wanted in life was a baby sister.  I had plenty of opportunities for fun in our house that was filled with Lego's, and tractors, and stinky socks, and all the other stuff that accompanied my four brothers...but I longed for cute dresses, girl-talk, and pampering parties.  

On the eve of your birth, Mom & Tony packed their bags to go fetch you, our new baby sibling.  Just before leaving for the hospital, they asked if I wanted to go along.  I wasn't really sure what I was in for, but since I rarely enjoyed missing exciting events, I agreed.  Just hours into January 14th, I awoke to a baby screaming and a unanimous, and excited, chorus of, "It's a GIRL!!!!"  

I couldn't believe it.  It was you.  Finally!!!

And I couldn't have dreamed up a better sister. 

We started right away with our pampering parties...

And I always wanted our outfits to match.

Dad loved you so much, he made you a dollhouse bed.  I was a little jealous, but I got over it.

You were a sweet, caring, and easy-going little girl.  
 And you grew... 

And you grew...

And just when I thought you couldn't become any cuter, or any more beautiful, you did...

See what I mean?  :)

And now you've grown into a beautiful teenager!!!  You're beautiful on the outside and on the inside.  Thank you for being the thoughtful, easy-going, and selfless sister that you are.

 I'm so thankful that you are my sister.

I hope that you have a Happy, Happy Birthday!  
And I hope that this year is the start of many wonderful memories as a teenager. 
I love you!!!

Laramie (and Jamie loves you too! :)